In this interdisciplinary project, students examined several different facets of their identities through multiple lenses and explored the implications of their identities and the prejudices that exist in the world around them. By exploring how their genetics shaped their identities, they were able to further understand why they are the way they are. The students put together several different products for exhibition; they created infographics highlighting how they received one of the traits that make up their identities, used photoshop to alter iconic images to change the public’s perception, wrote short narratives in the form of their actual fingerprints describing pivotal, defiing moments in their lives, and created masks to represent aspects of their culture. The classrooms were completely transformed into a gallery/performance space. Along with their other final products, the students collaborated to create a performance piece exhibiting some of the aspects of social injustice that they explored throughout the project.
Teacher Reflection:
This project turned into such a meaningful experience for us all. Because the project was completely interdisciplinary, connections were made that wouldn’t have happened otherwise. We launched this project by visiting the Museum of Tolerance and discussing what causes social injustice, which led to our exploration of identities. The timing of the project allowed us to bring in difficult issues like Michael Brown and Eric Garner which gave the entire project a larger sense of significance.
Student Reflections:
The most impactful experience was learning about social injustice past and present and how it is still affecting us now. It was something close to heartbreaking for me.
—Henna Hall
This project was very impactful, defying stereotypes in a way that put you in awe…it opened my mind.
—Matthew Mau
To learn more about this project and others, visit