Viva La Revolucion! In a semester-long collaboration between two Humanities classes, students researched …
Cultural Encounters Our students explored how historical events such as immigration and war affected their …
Resilience Café Project During the Resilience Café Project, 8th graders learned about resilient heroes from the …
Digital Storytelling Students created digital stories about a defining moment, a message, or a lesson learned …
Chemistry and Conflict The inspiration for this project came from a “thing biography” display at a Los Angeles …
Soaring Eagles In this collaboration between the San Diego Unified School District’s Indian Education …
Sometimes the Exhibition is at the Dinner Table Who has the right to decide what should be taught in public schools?…
A Better Education For educators and policymakers who are passionate about social justice, one of the…
Illuminated Mathematics Almost all of us have at some point taught something that was completely irrelevant to the…
Annotating Teacher Work The first might be expected of my eighth graders: they were not listening during class. The…
Experiencing Difference Last Spring, as part of our school’s Immersion Week, thirteen students and I headed to…
Science Room as Drawing Room What students find daunting in Biology is not so much the concepts, but the amount…
Exhibiting Student Writing Exhibitions of student learning, with their many projects, activities, and associated banter, can take on the atmosphere of a science fair or a grand opening at an art gallery.
Teaching, Learning & Not Knowing A former student and translator of Jean Piaget, Eleanor Duckworth is Professor of…
Sunflowers and Math I don’t recall how long our class spent working on the art pieces or what we did before…
Canyon as Classroom In the summer of 2010, I was considering a job as a science teacher at a small private…