Curation Creates Culture Curating student work contributes to the school culture by valuing the students work and modeling high quality projects
Exhibitions & School Culture Rob Riordan talks about how exhibitions of learning aid in the development of a school’s culture
The Impact of Exhibitions Ninth graders from High Tech High International share their learning at multiple exhibitions with various audiences to deepen their understanding…
Life California on Student-led Conferences Our SLC miniseries wraps up by hearing from Twelfth grade student Life California
Shani Leader (and her kids) on Student Led Conferences Teacher, school leader, and parent Shani Leader on how to do a great student-led conference, and what makes them so powerful
Student-Led Conferences: A How-to Guide Traditional parent-teacher conferences often only passively include the student, if at all. Student-led conferences are just the opposite.
Ron Berger on Student Led Conferences Alec talks to Ron Berger about student-led conferences: what they are, why they’re powerful, and how to make them a success at your school.
Exhibition Voices Students from middle to high school share their learning at Exhibition in December of 2019.
High Tech High Design Principles High Tech High is guided by four connected design principles—equity, personalization . . .
Educational Equity Jessica Brown, Experience Designer for Business Innovation Factory, speaks about the …
Exhibiting Student Writing. Exhibitions of student learning, with their many projects, activities, and associated…
Student Led Conferences – Student Perspectives A High Tech High North County senior talks about what student led conferences are and how they help students communicate their academic progress to parents and guardians.
Presentations of Learning: Student Voices Students from High Tech Middle Chula Vista share their perspective on public presentations of learning
Exhibitions – The Student Perspective Students define and explain the importance of exhibitions in order to showcase their …
Sizzle and Steak So, exhibitions can be exceptionally stressful for everyone involved, but that’s no…
Critical Thinking in Presentations of Learning The questions asked by the teachers were probing to the point where [my son] had to go on…
Sometimes the Exhibition is at the Dinner Table Who has the right to decide what should be taught in public schools?…
PME: Advice to You A founding faculty member of High Tech High, Jeff Robin has influenced the processes of…