You Say You Want a Revolution? In this action-packed eight-week project, students used primary and secondary resources …
Superheroes Unite! The Superhero project explored what superhero qualities each student possessed and how …
Staircases to Nowhere Seniors used physics, art, and carpentry to plan and build model and life-sized …
Who Walks Here: The Journey of Our People and Our Land The Who Walks Here project came from the teachers’ passion for nature and wanting our …
The Bee Project Why do we need honey bees and how do they affect our world? In order to answer these …
Wat_er We Doing? A California Drought Story In this project students worked together to make a documentary about the current …
Portraits of Resilience “We learn a lot about the challenges and problems in the world, but what about how …
Best Project of All Time Using time as a theme, in this project we explored the mathematical concepts of …
3D Printed Timeline Ninth grade students in the MPX Program at Mid-Pacific Institute created a timeline of …
The Wicked Soap Company Students learned about saponification, chemical reactions, pH, strong bases, lab …
The Lantern Project In this project, the entire 6th grade learned about geometry, unit rate, expenses and …
Every Classroom Should Be A Maker Space Early on, I held up published books ranging from 50 to approximately 150 pages. “This…
Creativity Is A Decision Anyone Can Make How can we encourage students to decide for creativity? Students develop creativity not…
Writing “Downtown”: Student Voice in Teaching Writing Like my students must do in their writing, I must attend to my audience. Using what I…
When Exhibition Might Not Be Enough On the day of our second school-wide exhibition last year, a student’s words nearly…
Other People’s Children Are My Children To be clear, this is NOT a guide, and I do NOT have all the answers, or any answer for…
Breadth And Depth: Can We Have It Both Ways? That led us to give a talk about breadth and depth. I advocated for depth; she for…
Thank You Tiger! My Teacher Wake Up Call His dad had told him that he’d have a job with him as a bricklayer on the building…
Roland Barthes’ Mythologies In 1957, an extraordinary work of literature was published detailing concepts far ahead …
Colonies, Clusters, and Classrooms? Students researched a variety of animal communities through fieldwork, experts, …