Patrick formerly worked with High Tech High as an art educator at High Tech High Chula Vista and as a graduate student in the M.Ed. in Educational Leadership program. For years he worked with the HTH GSE to help design and facilitate massive open online learning experiences such as New School Creation, Learning Mindsets & Skills, and How To Make a Comic Book.
Following his time at HTH Patrick spent a little under three years working as an Instructional Designer for the Office of Graduate Education at MIT. For the MIT OGE Patrick was tasked with designing resources that would scale to fit the MIT graduate population’s need for science-based communication professional development. This work resulted in a project titled Gradcommx. Within that project Patrick worked with internal researchers at MIT, as well as an external research group, to look closely a scalable models of learning and media to understand what works when trying to spread educational concepts at scale.
Patrick also spent time, while at MIT, working with Justin Reich (Teaching Systems Lab) and Peter Senge (The Fifth Discipline) to design Launching Innovation in Schools.
Patrick’s main passion in life is learning and projects. Within his work at HTH GSE he is focused on how we can scale exceptional learning experiences so that populations worldwide can have access to them. Patrick specifically believes that great learning experiences contain a balance of well-thought out structure and room for improvised creativity. He hopes that, through his role as Director of Experience Design, he can help audiences get access to all that HTH has to offer as well as help HTH grow as an organization by being connected to a network of worldwide learners.
Patrick is also the founder of multiple online projects such as PYD.Studio, Podcation, and