Creatures Before Us Students became experts on creatures from the Mesozoic Era through research, measurement, writing, and fieldwork experiences.
Welcome to Sustainable San Diego Students created travel brochures in small groups, featuring a San Diego map with sustainable sites and descriptions of their eco-friendly practices and visitor appeal.
Emerging Entomologists First graders worked as naturalists to connect the community to the ants that share our environment
Tales and Test Tubes Twelfth grade students developed science based bilingual novels with elementary students
Light on Literacy Kinder buddies were the audience for the design and creation of literacy lanterns by 9th grade students at HTHCV
Cures For Cancer Project Students worked in small teams to design experiments testing different drugs or therapies on live mouse cancer cells
Storytellers of the Land In collaboration with a local conservancy and river park, students identified and cataloged local wildlife through camera trap photo analysis
(In)Equity by Design Sixth graders explored data related to their own phenotype data through the lens of major moments in U.S. history.
Design Challenge: Beekeeping in Doha, Qatar This was our students’ first introduction to the design thinking process and …
Nature Treasures from Land to Sea In this interdisciplinary project, Kindergarten students explored the diversity of San Di…
Seafaring on the Web In this project, students underwent an exhaustive research project featuring one marine species…
Ease on Down the Road Students partnered with different non-profits around San Diego to help spread their messages to the community.
Big Ideas from Small Creatures First grade scientists in Room 2 have been interested in garden creatures for a long …
Faces of South County Each group studied the complex intersection of culture, politics, economics and …
Matter That Matters Our goal was for students to understand how resources in our natural world acquire …
Wise Kids Traditions We students thought it pretty important to think about one of the most critical things …
Plant and Insect Life Cycles Second Graders became botanists and entomologists as they cared for and cultivated plant …
Staircases to Nowhere Seniors used physics, art, and carpentry to plan and build model and life-sized …
College Knowledge In this project students looked at how current neuroscience research contributes to …
Seed Dispersal Challenge I developed a project to help students explore various seed dispersal adaptations.
The Upcycle Project This project had the broad goals of recognizing and confronting our environmentally …
Understanding Habits of Heart and Mind Second graders investigated the question, “How do Members of Our Community Show Care and …
Jambox Project Plato once wrote, “Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education …
In Sickness and In Health This 11th-grade interdisciplinary project used art, biology, and humanities to pursue …
Water We Doing? A History Of The World Through Water Tenth graders stepped into the shoes of scientists and became stewards of our …
Creating Ripples with Underwater Robots This project took students from robotic ideas, engineering designs, structural, …
Aquaponic Garden: Food for Thought The goal of this project was to create a 100% sustainable aquaponics garden that …
A Fly on the Wall A Fly on the Wall Project was a collaborative project between 11th grade biology and …
The Boneyard Project This eight week project between Nick Ehlers’ junior biology class and Patrick Wilcox, a …
Energy Puzzles Our senior engineering students created jigsaw puzzles to introduce energy concepts to …
Healthy Choices: Food For Thought The Food for Thought project focused on why and how to make healthy food choices.
The End of the World Uncovered Students and teachers built this project from scratch. We started with students’ …
Matter All Around First Grade Scientists explored the world of matter all around them! They wondered…
The Learning Landscape Students often complain about their learning environments, whether it’s comfort …
Are You Fitter Than a 5th Grader? Over the course of 11 weeks, 5th grade students studied the human body, learned about …
The Great 9th Grade Odyssey Students worked in groups of three or four to create boats made solely out of cardboard …
The Hidden Garden In a hidden garden revived from the 1920s, seniors from High Tech High Media Arts …
Wall of Resistance Project In 1961 the Soviet Union constructed a wall in Berlin that symbolized the cold war …
Ancient Sailing and Seafarers This project looks at how and why seafaring peoples ventured out to the deep blue …
Chemistry and Conflict The inspiration for this project came from a “thing biography” display at a Los Angeles …
Media Saves the Beach Is it safe to go in the water? This question began an exploration of San Diego’s beaches …
Children’s Astronomy Book Project Students created an illustrated book to teach young children about our universe.
Cultural Solutions In Nature In this project, students investigated biomimicry—the quest for solutions to human …
Geometric Mural Project Students experienced the beauty of math by creating murals using specific geometric shapes.
Physics A to Z Students experienced the beauty of math by creating murals using specific geometric shapes.
Urban Homesteading Project High Tech High International (HTHI) seniors designed sustainable solutions for urbanites …
Analog Flash for Windows The assignment for this senior project was to create an interactive, museum-quality …
Science Friction The goal of Science Friction was to help students understand that physics is all around …
Graph-It Design For the Graph-It Design project, each student used Excel software to create their own …
Pinhole Photography Students built pinhole cameras and took black-and-white photos, which they then …
Popular Engineering in Response to COVID-19 As the COVID-19 pandemic has ground the wheels of global capitalism …
Living North County Ultimately, in groups of nine, students designed an eighteen box spinner that was …
Here Now, Gone Tomorrow students created and published a children’s book detailing their chosen endangered …
Design Challenge: Recycling Center This project was a collaboration between advanced culinary students and physics students.
Destruction and Restoration: A History of Sausal Creek As a culminating task, student docents led families and other community members on a …
Steampunk Revolution Students learned about the industrial revolution and picked often forgotten negative …
Human Impacts on Local Wildlife Students collected and dissected vehicle killed wildlife and participated in marine …
The Meals and Muppets Project In this interdisciplinary project, students looked at the essential question: “Should I …
Cyclic Machines Seniors at HTHNC received a simple prompt: “Create a machine or kinetic art piece that …
The Wicked Soap Company Students learned about saponification, chemical reactions, pH, strong bases, lab …
Colonies, Clusters, and Classrooms? Students researched a variety of animal communities through fieldwork, experts, …
Wild Pond Protectors At the beginning of the year the kindergarteners learned about their own community and …
#Hashtag Film Project Students examined the role of the media in their lives and how they can use the media to …
Building a Better Athlete “Everyone deserves to feel the power of crossing a finish line,” says the Challenged …
DNA Barcoding Invasive Species This study is a component of the HTH San Diego Bay Study, now in its eighth year.
The Blood Bank Project This project was a collaboration between the San Diego Blood Bank and HTH seniors, as …
Superhero in the Making This project integrates language arts and physics standards while tapping into students’ …