In Spanish class, freshmen explored the theme of “Cruzando fronteras” (crossing borders) through bilingual spoken word poetry and artwork. They worked with spoken word professionals, took part in workshops and performed their work locally. They created anthologies of their work, available at the HTH bookstore at Proceeds go to support refugee students.
Estoy perdido
Y nunca me van a encontrar
I am not physically tied,
But mentally bound,
Y tiemblo cuando pienso en estar
Because of my fear of being stoned,
Con piedras,
Breaking my weak withered bones,
Releasing the monstruo in me,
Pero siento que el monstruo es mí.
To be or not be,
That monstruo that I call me,
Now I see,
Or do I?
If it has merged with me,
I must split myself,
This way I can gain wealth,
No dinero,
But self,
Cause I believe in self wealth,
Because without self
Tú estás perdido,
And never to be found,
And mentally bound,
Como yo.
Until I find me,
And then I will fly farther
than your eye can see,
Cause when I find me,
Yo sere, Unstoppable,
Cause I will rule,
Nadie puede o me va a juzgar de mí,
But if they do,
It won’t matter cause,
I will have myself together,
Y en fin,
To learn more about this project and others visit
and Jenny White’s digital portfolio at